Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fuck it, I'll tell ya

So today was shitty.

I swear, this blog will not be so lame and whiny for the most part, but this was some serious bullshit, and is part of the reason I'm so firmly resolving to get my act together. I will not have the rest of my year blowing ass like tonight.

I went to see an old friend of mine. A little history: we dated briefly, long distance, for a few months two years ago. Then when I met Mike there was an awkward drawn out breakup, we didn't talk for a while, but eventually got back on speaking terms.

Well, from the moment I showed up it was obvious that he just wanted to hook up. I should have just left. I thought I made it VERY clear that I wasn't interested, but he was super persistent and because I am so damn nice and accommodating I admittedly let him get away with more than I should have. Anyway, I'll spare you the demeaning details (we didn't fuck or anything, I got control before it got that far) and just say that I left the house feeling pretty damn shitty about myself.

The Upside: I learned that I still have a shred of decency and morality somewhere in me. Also, I did what was right for me. This is a step toward becoming the person I want to be.

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