Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hurrah for weightloss!

I think I'm getting thinner. I cut sugar, fast food, pop, and junky snacking at the first of the year, and I've been following my RDWC meal plan for a good 5 days now, and I feel great. Mike and I were on skype today and he says I'm looking thinner, so I'm going to go ahead and do a mini victory dance.

I haven't weighted myself at all since I quit smoking (about a month and a half ago) and I'm really nervous to do so. I'm thinking maybe I'll just forget the scale and go by how I feel. That seems like a good idea to me.

Mike was showing me his before and after photos of his amazing 50 pound weight loss and now I'm more motivated than ever to catch up to him. I'm going to be a size 10, damn it, if it takes me all year!

Honestly, a size ten seems totally out of reach. I haven't been that size since about grade 6. I remember being a 12 when I started high school, ballooning up to a size 20 by junior year, and being a healthy 14/16 when I graduated. It's been a roller coaster of sizes ever since then, but never again below 14. Not even at my skinniest in early 2009 (I even had my belly button pierced then, haha I was so stoked to not be an 18 anymore... plus I was working in the piercing shop at the time so it was inevitable)

But I will do it. My realistic goals are to be a solid 14 by the time I move to Washington, and I'd like to be a 12 by my birthday. And then, to go for the gold, getting down to a 10 by the end of the year will be my biggest challenge.

Does this seem like too much? I don't know, I've got a whole year to do it. 6 weeks is totally long enough to drop one pants size to a 14. Then, 4 and a half months to achieve another size drop for my birthday goal, and then from July-December to get to be a size ten? I think this is reasonable.

Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew... but maybe not.

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