Friday, January 7, 2011

RDWC Homework #1

1) What do you think will be the hardest nutritional guideline for you to follow?

I think cutting sugar will definitely be the most difficult part for me, because I'm an absolute fiend! I've been trying to ween myself gradually and It's been making me crabby and spiteful! haha. I especially struggle at work, because my boss brings in baked goods for the break room everyday. I've been taking my breaks elsewhere but its no fun hiding in the stock room for 30 minutes while the rest of my friends are all noshin' on bon bons and various other sweet delights.

2) We want you to think before you eat. Do you think before you shop? Name 3 derby owned businesses.

Sin City Skates

fiveonfive magazine

Broken Cherry

3) What's the one thing you have in your friedge or pantry that you thought was healthey but you may now be rethinking?

My breakfast cereal is LOADED with sugar. I guess in my heart of hearts I always knew this, but because there are pictures of fruit on the box I figured I was okay.

... I shouldn't lie, I am only joking about the box... there is no way I ever thought Berry Berry Kix was good for me.

4) Do you know your league history? Who founded your league and in what year?

Millie Brawl and I started the DuPage Derby Dames in Denny's on May 27, 2010

5) How did you come up with your derby name?

Voodoo Rhythm is the name of a song by my favorite band. I had gone back and forth for AGES, between 3 or 4 good names. One day while on the phone with Mike, we were throwing around names and I was got to ranting about how I was getting so fed up with everyone telling me to call myself LL Cool Bean and I just spat it out; "I'm just going to call myself Voodoo Rhythm." He said I should, so I did. It's odd, I hadn't even listened to the song in weeks, but there it was kicking around in my subconscious, hah!

6) Attach a photo to your note that conveys how you feel going into this challenge.

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