Monday, January 3, 2011

Good Morning Monday!

I am up and at 'em uncharacteristically early this morning, I'm dressed and ready two hours before I generally even think about rolling out of bed. This may have to do with the fact that I took non drowsy cold meds before I went to sleep last night, or just the fact that practice with Lethal Dose last night got me all pumped up and the adrenaline had no where to go. Is that how things really work? I don't know.

Feeling particularly productive thus far, going to drop off the Derby Dames' first set of t shirts today after work, so we'll have something to wear for our photo shoot that is supposedly on it's way. How exciting. I'll post photos when I can. Oh what the heck, here's me at derby a few weeks ago. I think I'm looking pretty fierce. Just think of how rad I'm going to look by the end of the year when my legs are toned up and I get rid of this jelly belly. Woop!

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