Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Whats up with work?

So. I'm unhappy at my job. What am I going to do about it?

I made a good step this past week by hounding my managers to cross train me in framing production. I'll also learn cashiering so hopefully I'll be able to slip out of the RDQ inventory monitoring position and into more customer oriented roles. Gaining these new skills is a huge benefit to me, as I will soon be moving and it will be great to add them to my resume. Maybe I'll even be able to get a transfer to another store. Woop for automatic job opportunity.

Also, a new restaurant opened up down the road from me, and I'm going to see if they need waitresses or possibly even bartenders. Having an extra income will be so helpful for getting money together for the move. Plus, having experience in serving will be so good for when I need to find a new job out west.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing an awesome job and taking the initiative!
