Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mike Makes a Comeback

So, as I have previously alluded to, my love life is a serious question mark these days. I am still head over heels for my ex, who is only my ex because we now live 3,000 miles apart. Long distance just didn't work for us, no matter how much we both wanted it to.

So for the past 4 months I've been dipping my toe in the dating pool now and again. Nothing really spectacular, to be honest. And especially after the fiasco on January 1st, I'm becoming less and less interested in meeting someone new. I mean, if the right guy came along I'd be happy to give it a shot but I've yet to be convinced that my Mr Right doesn't live in Victoria, BC.

So in the past week Mike and I have been talking more seriously about getting back together. His being in the military means I'd have to move to him, and the invitation has been presented. Obviously, I've got to keep my eyes on the prize and get my barbering license first, which would mean 6 months in Washington beforehand. We'd be close enough then to see each other on weekends and maybe test the waters as far as getting back together.

I'm torn. All I've wanted for so long is to be there with him and now the opportunity has risen and I don't know what to do. I mean, I'm not the romantic type who says "Go for it! anything is worth it for love!" I'm more the type who says "Why not, what's the worst that could happen?" Then of course I realized what the worst would be; it stands to potentially completely fuck up my life, and I got scared.

Maybe I should put my personal life on the back burner for now and just focus on myself until I get more of my list nailed down. I just don't know.

Bah. I'm rambling at this point. I need to give it a rest. I'm going grocery shopping for my RDWC meals.


  1. I think you really lucked out that you get that opportunity to "test" it out by being only a few hours from him.
    I would love to see a happy ending ;)

  2. life is what happens when you're making plans. i would go for it dude! there are barbering schools everywhere. plus, with trade schools you don't have to worry about out of state fees.
    worst case scenario; it doesn't work out. your life wouldn't be ruined, you would just move on. if you don't try you'll kick your ass saying "what if?"
    good luck grrlie!
